What You May Expect Of Me
• Professionalism
I am dedicated to promoting the growth and development of the whole child. I take at least twenty hours of relevant training
each year, as well as reading professional publications for the early childhood field.
• Safe Environment
- A safe yard.
- Poison and medicine stored out of reach of children.
- Fire extinguisher and smoke alarms.
- Clean and well supervised play areas.
• Caring
- Caring for children is my choice of profession. I really enjoy children – playing and talking with them, also meeting their physical, emotional and educational needs.
- My joy is in watching each child grow and develop in positive ways and meeting his/her potential.
- My guidance and discipline is preventive, not punishing. There is no physical punishment at Mrs. Felecia’s Playhouse Preschool. (A child may be removed from the play group for a cooling off period but he/she is not shamed or isolated from sight.)
- Courtesy and respect for others and for their property are values, which I believe in and teach to the children.
What I Expect Of You, The Parent(s)
- Please respect my profession, my preschool, my home and me. The respect that you show me, includes my home, furnishings, equipment and yard.
- Abide by the signed contract and handbook, (You need to carefully review the provisions in your contract).
- There will be no use of obscene, derogatory or disrespectful language.
- No smoking or cursing is permitted on the premises at any time.
- If you are not at work I will need to be informed of this in case an emergency arises. I need a phone number to contact you at all times.
- If your car is leaking oil, please park along the street and not in the driveway while picking up and/or dropping off you child.
- Please take an interest in our program and talk with your child about his/her activities here. These are posted on the bulletin board.
- Pick up your child promptly so that my family’s needs can be met also.
- Please notify me in case of an illness and keep a sick child home.
- Fulfill the financial arrangements stated on your contract on time.
- Bring your child rested and appropriately dressed for indoor and outdoor play.
- Provide an extra set of indoor clothing to store at the day care.
- Refrain from sending candy, toys, or snack food with your child. For special times, I will notify you of these days.
- Provide all diapers and pull ups.
- Provide small admission fees for our field trips
- You are required to notify me by 7:00 a.m. if your child will not be coming for the day, or if you will be late in arriving; your child could be
the only child in attendance on any given day and I do not wish to be kept waiting.
Our Mutual Responsibilities
- Treat each other and your child with respect.
- Communicate on a regular basis about your child’s rest, nutrition, toileting, new skills, fears, interests, and joys.
- Try out this preschool for two weeks. If it is not mutually satisfactory, terminate the arrangement.
• Professionalism
I am dedicated to promoting the growth and development of the whole child. I take at least twenty hours of relevant training
each year, as well as reading professional publications for the early childhood field.
• Safe Environment
- A safe yard.
- Poison and medicine stored out of reach of children.
- Fire extinguisher and smoke alarms.
- Clean and well supervised play areas.
• Caring
- Caring for children is my choice of profession. I really enjoy children – playing and talking with them, also meeting their physical, emotional and educational needs.
- My joy is in watching each child grow and develop in positive ways and meeting his/her potential.
- My guidance and discipline is preventive, not punishing. There is no physical punishment at Mrs. Felecia’s Playhouse Preschool. (A child may be removed from the play group for a cooling off period but he/she is not shamed or isolated from sight.)
- Courtesy and respect for others and for their property are values, which I believe in and teach to the children.
What I Expect Of You, The Parent(s)
- Please respect my profession, my preschool, my home and me. The respect that you show me, includes my home, furnishings, equipment and yard.
- Abide by the signed contract and handbook, (You need to carefully review the provisions in your contract).
- There will be no use of obscene, derogatory or disrespectful language.
- No smoking or cursing is permitted on the premises at any time.
- If you are not at work I will need to be informed of this in case an emergency arises. I need a phone number to contact you at all times.
- If your car is leaking oil, please park along the street and not in the driveway while picking up and/or dropping off you child.
- Please take an interest in our program and talk with your child about his/her activities here. These are posted on the bulletin board.
- Pick up your child promptly so that my family’s needs can be met also.
- Please notify me in case of an illness and keep a sick child home.
- Fulfill the financial arrangements stated on your contract on time.
- Bring your child rested and appropriately dressed for indoor and outdoor play.
- Provide an extra set of indoor clothing to store at the day care.
- Refrain from sending candy, toys, or snack food with your child. For special times, I will notify you of these days.
- Provide all diapers and pull ups.
- Provide small admission fees for our field trips
- You are required to notify me by 7:00 a.m. if your child will not be coming for the day, or if you will be late in arriving; your child could be
the only child in attendance on any given day and I do not wish to be kept waiting.
Our Mutual Responsibilities
- Treat each other and your child with respect.
- Communicate on a regular basis about your child’s rest, nutrition, toileting, new skills, fears, interests, and joys.
- Try out this preschool for two weeks. If it is not mutually satisfactory, terminate the arrangement.